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Keep up-to-date on Lemna project progress

In this section you will be able to consult the milestones, events, meetings, and any aspect of interest in the development of the Lemna project.


Video presentation LIFE LEMNA

The project partners present the project video, which includes a description of the need and objectives of the project, the activities carried out, the demonstration prototype and the results obtained.


Workshop Proteins 2030: design of new sustainable food

Alfredo Rodrigo (AINIA) presented the project LIFE LEMNA in the Workshop Proteins 2030: design of new sustainable food.


National Spanish TV

AINIA presents duckweed biomass as new sourcde of protein in a program of the National Spanish TV.


Presentation of Life Lemna project in Workshop

Presentation of LIFE LEMNA in the final workshop of the project LIFE TL-BIOFER organized by Centro de edafología y biología aplicada del segura (CEBAS-CSIC) in September 2018.


XIV National Congress on Plant Molecular Biology

The CNB-CSIC team presented the LIFE LEMNA Project in the XIV National Congress on Plant Molecular Biology (Salamanca, July 4-6, 2018)


LIFE LEMNA project is presented in Biospain and Ecofira in November 2018


Visit of the National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management (Poland)

AINIA received the visit of the National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management of Poland. LIFE LEMNA project was presented as well other LIFE project.


Article in RETEMA newsletter

Integration of duckweed cultivation in biogas plants treating pig slurry. The project LIFE LEMNA.

More info: https://issuu.com/r.retema/docs/retema209/80


International Technical Conference “Biorefinery of organic agro-alimentary and urban waste”

Lemna advantages will be presented at the International Technical Conference “Biorefinery of organic agricultural and urban waste” to be held in Valencia on June 14. This day will present some of the most innovative lines in the field of biorefineries for the treatment of organic waste.

More info: International technical conference




The LIFE LEMNA project was presented at the INFODAY Conference on May 9, held at the Luis Vives Business School. Main results of the LIFE projects were showed with participation by centers of the Valencian Community during the year 2018.


The construction of a pilot plant for the cultivation of Lemna has started

The construction works of the pilot plant for the cultivation of Lemna have been started. This prototype, which will have a cultivation area of more than 200 m2, will be the first system of cultivation of this species in Europe at a demonstration scale. It is intended to operate in summer.


Lemna project video

Plants to decontaminate the environment.
More information: https://youtu.be/nv-DpL4uvb0


Visit to the pilot plant of Lemna in AINIA of the CNB-CSIC project partners

The project partners of the CNB-CSIC visited the Lemna pilot plant in AINIA due to the advances in the project and to discuss some technical aspects.


Presentation of the LifeLemna project in the circular water economy seminar

The first results of the LifeLemna project were presented at the II technical seminar on efficient water management in agri-food industries, held at the AINIA facilities with an audience of more than 120 attendees from various companies of the sector.
More information: http://www.ainia.es/jornada-gestion-agua/


Visit to the installation site of the Lemna cultivation prototype

The first visit to the place of the pilot plant for the cultivation of Lemna was made. All the project partners, AINIA, CNB-CSIC and ECOBIOGAS, were present at this visit to determine the first steps to be taken for the construction of the first Lemna cultivation system on a pilot scale in Europe.


Algae biorefineries for Europe

The LifeLemna project was presented at the Algae Biorefineries for Europe congress that was held on October 17 and 18 in Brussels. This project was shown as a complementary tool to the cultivation of microalgae.



We continue with the development of the Lemna autochthonous varieties collection.


LIFE LEMNA project meeting

Meeting of the LIFE LEMNA consortium, which will discuss the project progress and the activities planned for the coming months. We will visit the facilities of the National Center of Biotechnology dedicated to the characterization and study of aquatic plants, as well as the facilities of AINIA dedicated to the cultivation of lemna.


Innovation Conference: Biorefinery

The objective of the conference is to announce the technological innovations and business opportunities associated with the development of biorefineries for the use of agri-food or urban biomass. We will show practical case studies of innovation projects and projects currently underway. We will also explain all the possibilities of funding in Spain and the EU that help companies to develop these projects.

More info


Lemna project new website

LIFE LEMNA aims to construct the first full scale nutrient removal system in EU based on the production of duckweed which will be applied to uptake N, P and other nutrients from the swine manure after an anaerobic digestion. The resulting duckweed biomass will be a source of high value protein source for feed (bio-based products) and biofertilizers.

Economical and technical assessment

E-lemna tool is the first application to analyize the economical and technical assessment of LEMNA system for a different climate conditions, and it will be a relevant resource to be used in the replication activities to be carried out after de project.


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